These docs are for v2.9. Click to read the latest docs for v2.11.



Release date: 2024-04-10


  • Risk Insights offers a concise, powerful approach to understanding and mitigating financial risks. By providing real-time access to an end-user's transactional data, it delivers critical insights into their finances and stability. This product is essential for organizations looking to automate credit scoring, enhance fraud detection capabilities, and offer personalized financial advice. Risk Insights leverages cutting-edge algorithms to analyze transaction histories and aggregate financial behaviour. It provides a multi-dimensional risk assessment that accounts for various factors, including income stability, spending behaviour, and financial commitments.
  • Introduction of the account_types parameter on the Account Verification initiation endpoint. It limits the type of accounts that can be selected throughout the flow. Use this field if you only want to allow your users to select/connect certain types of accounts (i.e Giro accounts). This will skip the account type selection in the Widget UI.



Release date: 2024-02-23


  • We internationalized our categories and our complete finX category tree is now available in English (en), German (de) and Spanish (es). The API still defaults to German (for compatibility reasons) but additionally now respects the Accept-Language header on the following endpoints to deliver the category names in the requested language:

Example of how categories are returned when fetching transactions:

	"transaction_id": "T846442484626620418.1083",
	"categories": [
			"id": 126,
			"parent_id": null,
			"name": "Steuern/Gebühren/Bußgelder"
			"id": 231,
			"parent_id": 126,
			"name": "Gebühren"
	"transaction_id": "T846442484626620418.1083",
	"categories": [
			"id": 126,
			"parent_id": null,
			"name": "Taxes/Fees/Fines"
			"id": 231,
			"parent_id": 126,
			"name": "Fees"
	"transaction_id": "T846442484626620418.1083",
	"categories": [
			"id": 126,
			"parent_id": null,
			"name": "Impuestos/Tasas/Multas"
			"id": 231,
			"parent_id": 126,
			"name": "Tasas"
  • We are now offering a dedicated notification for expired consents. With this newly added type you can stay up to date and inform your users about the expiry and guide them through the process of renewing it.


Release date: 2023-12-14


  • The endpoint to categorize transactions accepts an optional user_id to be able to identify all transactions belonging to a specific user. This allows us to provide you with an improved support workflow in case you have questions about specific categorization results.


Release date: 2023-10-26
