Implementation Guide

Getting Started

With just three API calls you will get access to the verification report for your end-user:

  1. Create a Widget link for generating an Income Report
  2. Exchange an authorization code for an access token
  3. Fetching the verification report

1. Flow initiation

POST /onetime/income-report

  "redirect_uri": "",
  "accounts": [],
  "sync_period": 180

The redirect_uri is the only mandatory parameter. All other parameters are optional, but some will have an impact on the user flow.

The redirect_uri is the address of the location to which the user should be returned back to your application.

To shorten the flow for your users and achieve maximum conversion, we highly recommend to use the accounts parameter. In case the IBAN or other information (e.g. Account Number or PAN) of the users are known they can be passed on as an account id.

"accounts": [
  { "id": "DE82900948150000002881" }

To optimize conversion, you might consider asking the user for their account details before initiating the widget. This will allow the user to skip the bank selection screen and they will be prompted to directly authorize with their bank.

  "location": "",
  "id": "3ca31c37-986a-454e-ad64-8e97143c86bc"

Forward the user to the location provided in the response. This can be achieved by using:

  1. an overlay/popup iframe
  2. a redirect in the same or a new window

Read more about the Widget UI integration here

2. Exchange authorization code

After successful completion of the flow, users are redirected to your specified redirect_uri with the following query parameters:

  • state: Your provided identifier to maintain session state and identify the returning user
  • success: Boolean indicating successful flow completion
  • code: Authorization code valid for 1 hour, used to obtain an access token (only present on successful completion)
  • cancel: Boolean indicating if the user canceled the flow (only present when canceled)
  • flow_id: Unique identifier for accessing flow-specific resources

Exchanging the Code for Tokens

Request an access token by calling POST /auth/token with the following payload

// Request
  "grant_type": "authorization_code",
  "code": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ikp...",
  "redirect_uri": ""

// Response
  "access_token": "AoFmNJLDTW8jQtGSJ1iZeeoLiwNZ2ihz3iiCHGpuvE439nppuY...",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "scope": "accounts=ro balance=ro transactions=ro offline",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "refresh_token": "RTfI2WNyK78NozupDH9ai8GPRbjjdVsXPPt..."

Using and Maintaining Tokens

  • Include the access_token in the Authorization header for all API requests
  • For ongoing access, store the refresh_token securely
  • Each refresh token usage returns a new refresh token that must replace the previous one
  • Access is revoked if:
    • No user activity occurs within 90 days
    • The refresh token isn't regularly renewed


Token lengths

Token lengths can vary. Avoid fixed-size database fields for storing tokens. If a size limit is required, allocate at least 2048 bytes per token field.

Token lifetimes

Authorization code1 hour
Access token1 hour
Refresh token90 days

3. Fetch the report

Please view the Fetching your Verification Report section for a detailed overview